  Rarely is the question asked
  Is our children learning?
  Will the highways of the Internet
  become more few?
  How many hands have I shaked?
  They misunderestimate me.
  I am a pit-bull on the pantleg of opportunity.
  I know that the human being
  and the fish can coexist.
  Families is where our nation finds hope,
  Where our wings take dream.
  Put food on your family!
  Knock down the tollbooth!
  Vulcanize society!
  Make the pie higher!
  I am the Decider!
  Pass this on. Help cure mad Cowboy disease in the next election. As was noted in the 2007 sibling to this page, one of the buscho t-shirt messages was "We Need a President Who's Fluent In At Least One Language."
See the case for impeachment of bush and cheney by a constitutional scholar. bush! the worst president in U.S. history - sponsoring the largest deficit and the most costly wars, and guilty of the transporting a major proportion of public funds into the largest corporate welfare in the history of earth. Then, there are the environmental/health risks that will haunt your kids into the next generation, along with that huge deficit. Very republican.
They must find it difficult, those who have taken authority as the truth; rather than truth as the authority.
Click here to see the 935 lies of george W. bush, the "... quivering mountain of incompetence that is the official record of the Bush administration, all the false quotes and all the lie-strewn press conferences and all the squinty-eyed fabrications from Dubya, Colin Powell, Condi and Cheney and Rummy et al, that took place in the two years after September 11, 2001..."
And, let's all say the bushco pledge together. Ready, start:
One Nation,
under surveilance, our jobs outsourced, with welfare for corporations and the risks of
capitalism for everyone else, with healthcare for politicians and nothing for humans, with
war for the prosperity of Haliburton and the collapse of the middle class, waving the flag of fear while environmental protections are re-written by polluters, then passing it all along to faith-based initiatives which capitalize on geometric population growth! Amen.
Please don't miss the photos scattered
in and between each report.
A t-shirt statement about or quote from bushco will appear before each brief report: "You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror."
--George W. Bush, interview with CBS News' Katie Couric, Sept. 6, 2006
  ERM, Energy Required Miles are determined via the Paul
Petzold (one of the founders of NOLS) method of adding one mile to the estimated horizontal distance for every 500' elevation gained and/or lost. This allows one to compare hikes with varying terrain. A hike of 3 miles, gaining 5,000' to the top (and back!) of Mount Borah in Idaho is just not the same as strolling the glacier-scraped flatlands of the mid-east (e.g., Wisconsin).
  Trip 1: Long Canyon - Wet Beaver
Wilderness, early January (9 miles, 13 ERM, Energy Required Miles).
The snow is piling up on the Mogollon Rim, so we escaped to somewhere a bit warmer. It's quiet yet a bit breezy as we climb the rim to the tabletop above Wet Beaver
Creek. Along the mesa we walk, the trail getting faint and poorly marked at times. Clay mud and grass stem 'boots' cling to our feet as we encounter sections of saturated ground. This trail continues toward Roundup Basin Tank to meet with the Bell Trail, many miles distant, so we stop when it's time for lunch, then begin our return.
  The views to the West open up and the red rocks contrast with the white buttes and the black top of Wilson Mountain. Lovely.
  ERM, Energy Required Miles are determined via the Paul
Petzold (one of the founders of NOLS) method of adding one mile to the estimated horizontal distance for every 500' elevation gained and/or lost. This allows one to compare hikes with varying terrain. A hike of 3 miles, gaining 5,000' to the top (and back!) of Mount Borah in Idaho is just not the same as strolling the glacier-scraped flatlands of the mid-east (e.g., Wisconsin).
Click here to go to our
GPS route along the Long Canyon Trail - Wet Beaver. It
will appear as a Google map on a USGS topo background.
  Wait for the topo maps to form under the route.
You can change the scale (left side of map)
and relocate the center of the map (use the "hand") as you wish. Use the drop-down
box in the upper right to select other maps (e.g., aerial). Enjoy.