This report is brief. I hope to add entries from my hiking partners..... You will not see specifics, nor will sites be identified.
I hope you enjoy the poetic report and the ode to gw bush-leaguers monologue. Happy trails to you.
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Rob's Photos
Timoring Towhee (by Rob, Day 3; Haiku)
Timoring Towhee
Ancient Way (by Rob)
Hard boot, hard trail
We see etched petroglyphs, pictographs,
Pictos, petros, rambling art?
Lines so pure
We hike into and then out of
Adobe fingerprints
Scurrying reptiles
Four friends packing
Ravens spiral,
Coursing dust devil, Redtail too
Wondrous things we see,
Shallow End Of The Gene Pool (by Rob)
Ode to gw bush-leaguers...
The West ain't where you're bound
Every day is Earth Day
Everywhere's a boom town
Is life quality important?
Bigger homes, families, coffers?
Make kindness our religion!
Ultra conservative with the compassion!
ORVs, the blue smoke hoard, scourge to our public lands
Coyote canyon, raucous raven, spiraling buzzard hawk too?
Take my advise I'm not using it
Is the glass half full?
The shallow end of the gene pool?
Please take good care,
(the haiku poem breaks at five syllables, seven, and again five)
Kicks out bugs within our sight
"Towhee!" said with glee
Murmuring - "Wildness delight!"
it's not the Ancient way.
Hiking through graupel and hail
We dream we could, yet will not stay.
exploring pueblos, ancient ones.
Perhaps, this might be our epitaph
today, our wilderness moniker is "having fun!"
At first, just squiggles.
Where's a story, not just a part?
Perceptions comical, we revert to giggles.
and handprints slapped.
Chiseled features, by hands sure,
atheistic, artistic, inscriptions rapt.
canyons cluttered, middens of yore.
Pausing, we languish, relish songs of Mourning Dove,
canyon bend, more ancestral work by those who trod before.
arching alcoves.
Broken shards glint
in ancient treasure troves.
and lizards leaping.
Broken matates in piles,
near granaries, for corn keeping.
reflections reticulated.
Clear water not lacking,
we won't end up desiccated.
floating buzzard hawk too.
Sun slips, after awhile
giving canyon colors a wondrous hue.
sacred cows make the best hamburger
I'll relish in wilderness, will you?
vegetarians rejoice, share the Limburger.
and ancient way beckons.
Comrades are we,
returning, we reckon.....
from the shallow end of the gene pool.
Our public lands they rape, they beleaguer
doing industries' bidding, an oil man's, miners' tool
but where you play, work and stay.
Wall Street Journal in New York. Paris. Moab?
the geographically challenged, sipping eastern lattes.
when you're dabbling in the dirt.
Contrast corporations, full-spread marketing array
while coating cyanide with money, the future becomes inert.
because we're hurtling to 7 billion.
Technology's facade crown
genetically modifying foods, us? Seems vaudevillian.
Or is money, power, all!
With greed, population corpulent,
as a species, we're due a long fall.
Can economists learn to subtract?
Imagine what a sense of space and place offers
wildness has no value, if not in a stack?
replace "faiths" that marginalize?
Which urge overpopulation as mission
all this amounts to genocide?
Corporate "religion" shoved down throats?
Star wars frenzy, our futures look ashen.
Humans starve while republicans bloat.
these, if gw was a conservative, he would prohibit.
These wasteful chainsaws on water, snow, dirt be banned,
air, water, sound, visual pollution he would inhibit!
keeping Mother Nature pristine is not a wall street aspiration.
gw folk will take the resources, money, give future toxic brew,
Sentient citizens fear the result will be an aberration.
imply the rich, supply-side cabinet
Big SUV, big family, big oil, big hypocrite
If a citizen of earth, please be a big reticent!
could it be a matter of perception?
Dormant pawns of right-wing pull?
Consider the here, the now, the next election!
Money around republicans' waists is a green belt?
Over wilderness, open space, oil men do drool
and accumulating social/ecological impact felt. :-(
Wild Vagabond Main
Trip Report Index
And, remember:
Wherever you go there you are!
(It's sooooo much better than full catastrophe living)
I hope that the parts that are "deja vu all over again"
are the most wondrous aspects of your life....
;-)) rob